Written by: Adebola Williams
Summary: Only about 20% of people in the world set goals and out of that 20% who set goals, about 70% of them fail to achieve those goals. Too many numbers? What this means is that most people do not understand the importance of setting goals and the majority of the few who do never get to see their goals become a reality. In this article, we’ll be helping more people set goals right and more importantly, showing you how to stick to those goals you set.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
There’s something about a new year that makes you feel like you climb the highest mountains and swim the deepest oceans. There are so many possibilities in the air and enthusiasm. From the ‘new year, new me’ personal mantra that people share to the new year resolutions that never make it to February, the beginning of a new year is just the perfect amount of positive vibes.
I’ve always wanted to fall in love with someone who would describe my love as the possibility of a new year. 2023 might not be any different from 2022 if you don’t set the right goals and stick with them. If you’ve ever struggled with sticking to your goals, this is the blog you need to read over and over again, almost religiously the way Christians read their Bibles and Muslims their Qurans. So where do we even begin?
What is Goal Setting and Why is it important?
Tony Robbins teaches that as unique as goal setting is, “it all boils down to the process of identifying something you want to accomplish and establishing measurable objectives and timeframes to help you achieve it.”
Let’s say I get an invite to a networking event for next month, let me show you how I’ll go about it:
- I put it on my calendar so I don’t forget.
- I ask questions about the event — Is there a theme? Where is it happening? Who else is invited? Do I need to RSVP?
- I start planning my outfit in my head.
- I think about how I would get there. Am I going to ask a friend to drive me or I’ll be hailing a ride to the venue?
- As the day gets closer, I bring the outfit to life. Maybe to dry clean or air, or just put together so it’s easy to access on the day.
- I highlight the exact kind of people I want to connect with based
- I start putting my questions together since the purpose is to connect with people.
- I rehearse a few of these questions and some conversation starters
- When the day comes, I’m good to go.
This is a bit-size of what goal setting is. It’s setting specific and attainable goals for yourself. The goal in this example is to connect with the right people for me and have a good time doing it. But it took about nine steps to get to that goal.
You must have heard of SMART goals. It’s an acronym that means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely goals. These are the most important features of all the goals you’re setting for this year.
Make sure your goals are specific.
There’s a huge difference between “I want to make money in 2023 selling thrift clothes” and “ I want to make money in 2023”.
You also want to make sure your goals are measurable. Goals that aren’t quantified are hanging in the air on a loose thread. Your goals need a metric of progress. This is how you track that you are actually hitting them.
Let’s add some numbers to the specific goal we set. In this case, the goal becomes Make N2 million in 2023 selling thrift clothes.
The next thing your goal must be is attainable. Your goal has to be realistic. Although there’s a saying that aim for the moon and the worst that can happen is to land on a star, don’t do that with your goal setting. Does this mean you shouldn’t set audacious goals? Absolutely not. You have to set goals that are doable.
Then your goals must be relevant. How does your goal fit in the grand scheme of things? Is your goal a high priority in the big picture of your life or work? If it isn’t, you have to tweak it until it is, that’s the only way to make it smart.
Finally, your goals must be time-bound. You and your goals don’t exist in a vacuum. There’s an element of time that controls everything we see. Look at the sun, it has a time it comes up and the time it sets. Add timelines to your goal and then, you can say your goals are SMART.
The Importance of Setting Goals
- Setting goals helps you focus. Goal setting is usually a connected map — whether the path is narrow, wide or zig-zag; it’s a detailed process of how you’ll get to point B from point A. You won’t have to expend energy outside of your goal. You can channel all of your efforts into one thing at a time.
- It helps you track your progress. With your goals written down, you can measure if you are getting things done or struggling with procrastination. With goals already set, you know what to look for that will signify that you are truly taking steps toward the life of your dreams.
- It helps you become a productive person. Do you remember a time you set a goal and worked towards achieving it? How did you feel? Like there’s nothing you can’t do? That’s what goal setting does for you. It helps you develop your mental fortitude and your ability to stick with plans.
There are so many benefits of setting goals and I think this is a good place to tell you about Positive Psychology’s Top 10 books on goal setting. If you read any of these books, you’ll have a clearer and better understanding of goal setting.
How To Stick to The Goals You Set
You now know the importance of goal setting and how to set SMART ones but those two things aren’t an automatic guarantee that you’d stick to those goals.

There are many SMART goals that have seen the curtains pull before they could even get to the stage. Goal setting requires so much mental capacity, self-awareness and hard work. Achieving the goals you’ve set probably requires a double dose. There’s no need to fret, the experts have put science to it. You can now stick to your goals and achieve them this 2023 if you do any of the following things:
Write them down
If the only copy of your goals is in your brain, there’s a high chance that you may not achieve them. If you are serious about sticking to your goals, there should be copies of them in your journal, in your room, in your study, on your phone, and everywhere else. Goals that are clearly written see the light of day.
Get A Support System
No one has ever achieved anything great in the shadows and on their own. If you’re serious about the goals you’ve set, you have to draw up an accountability and support process. Find one or two people who get you and truly know you to share your goals with and let them follow up. More than following up, they’ll also send you help from time to time and encourage you to keep going.
I remember the only time I’ve ever been able to keep up my goal to work out regularly, I had a workout buddy. One of the reasons I almost never work out anymore is because I’m the only one pushing myself toward something I find difficult to do. When I started doing yoga last year also, I started with a buddy who was into it way more than I was, who would call and drag me to the studio if they had to. Many goals and resolutions get abandoned because people procrastinate and lose motivation. Having a support system can help you with both of these factors.
Baby Steps
Have you ever seen a baby walk for the first time? Inside that baby is the potential to become the next Tobi Amusan but she has to learn how to walk properly first. If she starts to run ahead of herself after those few shaky steps, she’d fall. That’s what some of us do sometimes.
We start running instead of learning how to walk first. If you want to hit a big goal, break it down into smaller goals.
One book I’ll suggest you read that would help with this is Atomic Habits by James Clear. He shared the principles of focusing on the next rather than the big picture. That’s how you truly get anything done.
For example, if one of your goals this year as a remote worker is to be less sedentary. Instead of waking up in the morning, jumping up from your bed and taking long work occasionally, you can start by pacing around your house, redesigning your workspace so it allows for movement, can take a stroll in your neighbourhood. Little habits are what make the difference.
Connect With People That Have Achieved Similar Feats
There’s nothing you want to achieve that no one has ever done before. Find them and connect with them. Hang with them. Do the things they do. I also learned this from James Clear’s book; he called it environmental design. Staying in an environment that makes it possible to achieve your goals and build your habits. This would help you stay motivated and remind you of the life you want because they are already living it.
You now have the secrets that achievers employ to stick to their goals. I’m certain you’ll achieve those goals you have on your vision board and journal with these tips.
One more thing before I go, if you set a high financial goal this year or want to save more, you should check our limited savings offer where you can earn up to 28% (p.a) on your savings. There are more details on this limited offer on our website. Everyone with huge financial goals this year has to download Moni either on their android or apple devices. Our goal is to help you all achieve yours.
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